Friday, 29 June 2018


This is my information on matariki.

My nutrients life cyle

We went to  Arataki and learned  About the life cyle of bugs and leaves.

Monday, 4 June 2018

Bee Report.

This is m bee report hope you like it.

Title: Bee report

Introduction:Bees are insects which are apart of the insect family.

Appearance: Bees have a stinger at the back of their thorax.Bees have three body
parts head,thorax,abdomen, they also have 5 eyes,they are known to have
short thick body's that are nearly the size of your finger.

Diet:Bees just eat nectar from flowers.

Habitat:bees live in colonies and n bee hives.

Life Cycle: egg,larva,pupa,adult.

What they do.They collect pollen and nectar and take it back to the hive and make

Interesting Facts:bees wings fly so fast that their wings do 200 beats per

conclusion:Bees are great creatures to have around.

Friday, 1 June 2018

Weta Report

Title: Wetas

Introduction: Wetas are members of the insect family and are endemic to New Zealand they are
also the heaviest insect in New Zealand.

Life cycle

Weta hatch from eggs and are born in spring.
As they grow they shed their exoskeleton at least 10 times. The exoskeleton is on the outside.
The tree weta can live for six months but in the alpine they can live for a couple of several years.

Weta eat other insects
They sometimes eat each other

Image result for weta appearance
Wetas are  insects they all have 6 legs, a head , thorax and abdomen.
Wetas look
alot  like big  grasshoppers
or crickets with long

Wetas live in forest to camouflage in the trees.They also live in caves,Tree Wetas live in the Rain forest or burrows.